weather forecast in St-Petersburg
weather forecast in Moscow
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Russian version Suomi - Weather in Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Petrozavodsk... Online air temperature meter. - Weather in Russia, Moscow, SPb... Multilanguage version
weather Moscow weather in Moscow
weather in SPb weather Saint-Petersburg weather in Moscow
About us
Weather forecast. World, Russia, Moscow, SPb, Petrozavodsk
Graphs: 3-day, 3-weeks, 3-month, year
Graph archive (P-sk)
Thermo projects

Rambler's Top100
Rambler's Top100

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Петрозаводский общественный приют для животных

    We present you an unique net of online air temperature meters, constructed and assembled in Petrozavodsk State University. Sensors yield data every 5 minutes, various graphs, for example for Petrozavodsk, are renewed every half hour. Information (see gif images in the table below, 88x31 pixels) is available for other web sites under cooperation treaty.
    Also we devoted a part of thermo to weather forecasts in Russia (go here).
   Attention! Thermo administration invites foreign enthusiasts for collaboration. Lets maintain online temperature meters all over Europe!

Online data from all temperature meters
Data acquisition
time (local)
Temperature in Petrozavodsk
06:29, 28.03.2025
Temperature in Louhi
06:29, 28.03.2025
Temperature in Paanayarvi
06:29, 28.03.2025
Temperature in Segezha
06:29, 28.03.2025
(Kemerovsky reg.)
Temperature in Mezhdurechensk
09:29, 28.03.2025

Online data from temperature meters situated in Karelia
Online Temperature map of Karelia

Temperature from sensors in Karelia
Legend of combi graph

   Our projects are mostly in Russian. If you are interested in more detailed information please contact thermo administrators Alex Moschevikin (UIN #9423181) and Aleksey Korolkov (UIN #46871047).

  • Current online temperature and weather data on Russian cities.
  • 3-days, 3-weeks, 3-months and 1-year temperature history graphs for Petrozavodsk (Karelia), Louhi (Karelia), Sortavala (Karelia), Paanayarvi (Karelia), Segezha (Karelia) and Mezhdurechensk (Kemerovsky region).
  • 72-hours graphs archive (only for Petrozavodsk).
  • Various polls (only russion version). Here are some of their results.
  • Temperature map of Petrozavodsk. This project is already finished. Results are presented only in Russian.

   We invite sponsors for uninterrupted functioning and keeping our site in ever blossoming condition.

 Support: Lab127 team @