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  RUSSIAN FEDERATION >> Ekaterinburg

Weather forecasts for Ekaterinburg + history graph

Weather forecasts for EKATERINBURG from various sources
  - data from "Weather in Russia" (RusHydroMeteoCenter)
  - forecasts from yahoo produced by WeatherNews Inc.
  - weather forecast by FOBOS and Mapmakers
  - The Weather Underground, Inc. (USA)
  - forecasts published by major TV channels in Russia
  - only large Russian cities
  - CNN + USA Today + WeatherNews in one table
  - web-server "RainOrShine"

History of mean-day temperature's behavior in Ekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk) for the current
month in one of the years in 1881-1995 period.

History of mean-day temperature's behavior in Ekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk)
for the current month in one of the years in 1881-1995 period.

 Support: Lab127 team